7. Too forced
You may proactive, but may not “hyperactive" in the effort get the credit. As intermediary institute, bank has to assure itself that the fund gave will be able to be returned. Because of that, bank needs enough time for analyzing eligibility of your effort.
Just suggestion, don’t “intimidate" bank. Assure the bank is compulsion, but “forcing" with pressure credit process is forbidden. Bank will lose the sympathy and at the same time its trust to you, because it is possible that bank assess that you forced with a purpose, so bank doesn’t have time when scraping the information about you and your business.
A matter of time and momentum, trust, that bank is always pay attention about it, because credit bank self have principle the precise people, precisely utilize, precisely sum up and on schedule. And for that, bank has owned the equity level and maximal time to process the credit.

8. Try to entice the officer of bank
It is non technical matter, which I fact done by many applicant of credit. May be entice in the form of money, goods, promise, success fee and any kind of it if credit can be gave. A good bank officer, of course will not imbued with them. That happened exactly contra productive for applicant, because it will indicate unconfident of the applicant and to close the “ulcer" business, as the conclusion can appear on point 6 above.
The analogy, it requires or not to bribe officer of police if we sure don't impinge the traffic rules? It require or not to ask help the credit middleman if we sure competent our business right to be defrayed?

SUGGESTION: what do better be avoided
Take the credit because tempted the bank persuasion
Ever you appealed marketer credit card, till accept and apply credit card, though in fact you not need it? Or, you have tempted buy the goods actually don't have in plan expense because of persuasion by a Sales Promotion Girl?
What is going on after? You become consumptively, because feel “have the money" in card. Other effect, expenditure of monthly you leap from the budgeted. Who did do lost? Yourself.
Yes, however, bank is instituting the business, of course have importance with efficacy of channeling of its credit. Moreover, credit becomes the product that always tries to be sold to the public with various amenity and consequence minimizing.
As a good entrepreneur, you’d always get offer like that. My suggestion, don't take the credit if you don't have the plan surely will its use. You'd will trap of obligation of its credit later, because possible your credit exploiting will very productive and not directional.

2. Don’t easy to accept the credit
It is often the decision of credit given by the bank not suitable with application of your credit. May be the amount, way of return, and structure type and the requirement of other credit.
What could be done?
First, please assure that you can fulfill all specified requirement.
Second, otherwise, do negotiation with bank party
Third, if negotiation doesn’t yield win-win solution, don't take the credit. Look for the other bank which can place your needed.
Don't fear to be refused in other bank, as long as you have the strength bargaining power about kindness of character and effort. If you “just" accept the credit, condition of like point before will make difficulty of return is undoubtedly for you.
So, I hope, 20 tips DDS (Do, Don’t and Suggestion) above can assist you to be more firm and self confidence in applying the credit to bank, so t bank become the equipment to take you to the higher of successful level.

3. Credit Defect
“Defect of credit" meant here is performance bad credit in other financial institution or bank. Bad track record credit in bank will become the crucial factor determining readiness of financial institution or other bank to accept you as one of its debtor.
Its core, if in this time you have owned the credit, take care as well as possible performance your credit as accomplished credit. Even have problem, finish soon and prove that you not potency become the debtor re-have problem.

4. Changes the other information and financial statement
Change financial statement is usually done with a purpose to make the condition cash flow applicant of credit seen fluent and profitable.
But, on the other hand, changes exactly will return to become harm, because:
(a) bank can " read" unnatural of financial statement of your business, by comparing various ideal indicator a type ofbusiness, plus cross check to any party related to your business, and
(b) Opened falsehood - again- drags you to bad assessment concerning character. And if have shall to it, that mean you have close the bank door for yourself.

5. Don't have depended
Your business may not depend on one key person, but nor may depend on some supplier and buyer. Depended can make the your business hit by " heart attack" which has sudden character and kill when the partner withdraw from your business circle. You'd get dificulties, and threatened company wheel desist.
Bank will not take the big risk, if possibility there will be enough potential happened.

6. Fluctuate the plan
Don’t to be not consistent in the case development plan of your business. If you have considered carefully and specify will apply the credit for plan A, consistent with the plan. Positive input, as long as strengthening for plan A, please be permeated.

Which is not suggested is, when you have protested the credit, you think more good use the plan B. When bank try to accommodate the change, you change over again to plan C which is very differ from the plan A and B.
What is in mind officer of bank? You are not tenacious people, not consistent, easy to affect, and cannot committed. Very possible if credit have given, you’d easily transfer its use to other business activity. Even it is possible use for outside business. And it is very bad in bank mind.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 7

10. Comprehending rule of credit and its negotiation
Very suggested, before raising the credit to bank, you have studied and comprehend in depth banking credit. Knowledge about it can you get from various source. Book, media print in around business, description of officer of bank, brochure, information of other entrepreneur which have bank, etcetera.
What is the needed? In order you can do the best negotiation to the bank. For example, rate of interest to be applied. Or even, skim (type) the credit most suited for your need.
Ensured that what did later become the type, structure and condition in credit decision can you fulfill better, not hard against, and suited to condition and also growth of your business.

DON’T: what do have to be avoided and may not be done
1. Illegal business, “red light", or forbidden
Don’t raise the loan for your business, if your business is forbidden business. For example, drugs business, spurious drug, contraband wood, importation illegal, protected animal merchant, channeling illegal TKI and others.
Also, if your business include in “illegal business ", like prostitution, wild discotheque and hotel/ inn identifying as “immoral”. Bank prohibited defray the business like that. Although, the business prospect is good.

2. Lie about the relation with other bank
Usually debtor candidate close over his debt to other party (other bank), on the chance of will get more debt. There is also having intentionally close over the bad achievement of his debt in other bank, in order new bank trust to the ability of credit applicant.
Useless! You exactly will direct get the ugly assessment in around your character, because bank will know your falsehood. Bank have various instrument to know the things you try to close, either through Individual Debtor Information ( Informasi Debitur Individual/ IDI) Indonesia Bank, Blacklist Indonesia Bank, and also various information from related institutions and also entrepreneur of bank partner.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 6

6. Return plan
By definitive plan and the development projection to be obtained, hence you also have to show to bank concerning plan and ability in the case returning the credit. For example, with progress improvement omzet equal to 40% in one period business after you get the credit. With clean profit the improvement effect of increasing omzet, when do you’d start to pay the main installment, or even do the return at the same time?
Or, there is any possibility you can turn around the result of business to yield the improvement gambol omzet more than 40%, so according to you competent credit can be lengthened? So, you have to have clearly view like that.

7. Job description and forming of cadres
One of matter that able to guarantee the continuing business in future is clarity of duty between organizer of business, you as business owner or employees. There shall no depend to one personnel, which even can discontinue the way wheel of business when the personnel not exist. Clearly, business has to continue to walk though - for example- the owner is pain. Don't one man show.
In context like that, forming of cadres is also needed. You have to assure the bank, that when happened something with you, hence your business have the router do not fail to speak.

8. Prepare sharing fund self
In giving mechanism of credit, bank is not allowed fulfill all requirement of the credit ( 100%). For example, for the investment of factory in new location for the price of Rp 1 billion. In mean gyration rule of bank in Indonesia, you have to have the capital self equal to 35%, or around Rp 350 million.
Also for working capital. You have to have share capital equal to 30%. But, special for working capital, share this can be in the form of the circulating assets ( supply or receivable), capital of company, retained earning accumulation, etcetera.
Besides, to show self ability, Sharing Fund Self (Sharing Dana Sendiri /SDS) needed to show you seriously in trying, at the same time to create moral commitment between bank and debtors. Mean, both parties of course will not ready to cooperate if the business runs unable to return capital which has been give by each party.

9. Provide enough acquisition guarantees
As a form of other return credit, hence you have to provide additional guarantee, including fixed asset (land, building, and vehicle) and current asset (invoice, supply, cash, marketable securities) as second way out.
The main guarantee (first way out) actually is the defrayed business. Mean, the business result to be obtained that should be able to close the credit. Additional guarantee will only be used if your business result cannot be expected again.
How much is sufficiency value additional guarantee? Usually bank require sufficiency of value sell quickly ( assess the liquidation) guarantee equal to more or less 120% from totalizing of the credit.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 5

3. The business having prospective character
You have to assure that your business have good prospect. One of them is business commodity. Do the commodities we lift in this business still be required in future? Or in fact, market start saturated to accept the content of your business?
Then, from macro economics aspect. Will your business commodity have the serious threat regulation from government later? Is there any possibility, owner of raw material faucet as business pate will be mastered by the other party by analysis macro will monopolize the price so cause at no society purchasing power? Also, do the political politics climate uncertain can cause at loss of supplier and run of buyer?
Bank is of course having the knowledge concerning this projection. So, your duty is to assuring the bank, that negativity possibilities will not have many effects on your business.

4. Show excellence and the uniqueness of your business
Besides, assure the bank concerning the commodity prospect, you also have to show your excellence as good entrepreneur. So, it related to the business management pattern, alias the way of you do business management. Although your business prospect good, will not precise if you unable to show to realize that prospect become reality.
Do you have the brilliant innovation and ideas for the agenda of development of your business? Show to bank that you have excellence of comparability compared to the competitor or player in similar business. Also show any business uniqueness and the management, so your business become “differ" and competent become the choice for consumer.

5. Have clear purpose /planning (following the needed)
In the relation to credit, you have to have the definitive plan of usage of the credit you guess. Including, how much the credit you need.
You have to explain in detail the exploiting plan, and positive effect to the presentation. For example how much omzet gratuity improvement got with the existence of the credit. You should be able to project.
You also have to express that you have clear commitment in exploiting the credit, so bank is sure that the credit will optimal for business as planned.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 4

DO: what must be known, drawn up, owned and done
1. The business have ran and beneficial
What is the importance? , bank have to know the condition of past performance of your business. In few words, bank need proven that your business run capable to live and stay, have the good market, and can produce earning. Including in it, is your ability in manage the business.

In general, bank needs confidence that you can run the business minimum 2 - 3 years, and have yielded the positive profit at least at the last period. It is absolute, because only business proven profitable which assessed will be able to manage the credit and ascertain the return.

2. Legality aspect is fulfilled
Aspect legality business is confession of third party to your business. this Confession also means the assurance of law to the business existence, existence of permission from society, so not potency to make conflict, and also have fulfilled obligation as good " citizen", for example the payment of tax.
Minimum licensing to be owned is Main Number of Tax Obligation (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak /NPWP), License Business Letter of Company (Surat Ijin Usaha Perusahaan/ SIUP) and License Company Register (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan /TDP). Any form of your business – private or legal committee – minimal have to have this legal license . Special for industrial, manufacturing and some other business patterns need acquisition of legal license, like Environment Permit ( Ijin Lingkungan /HO). other Legal license correspond to business type you manage.
Indonesia Bank obliges the bank to report activity of credit giving debtor per debtor. One of the entry point use is, coalescence of NPWP, in this time gone into credit to the above of Rp 50 million. For credit under Rp 50 million, enough pick aback by statement letter of (Domicile) business from local government.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 3

What was think in the mind of an entrepreneur when he see his business prospect is so big, but hindered by the additional of capital?
Of course, the entrepreneur will try to draw the investor into his business. And one of the investor who oftentimes expected is financier instituting, in this case bank.
In is true, till this time, bank still become the prime choice most of the entrepreneurs who require the capital addition for development of their business. There are some reasons what forms background of its. For example, existence of regulation clarity, including in it is clarity - even rule of law - concerning each party rights and obligations ( creditor /bank and debtor).
Clarity of regulation emerges because one of bank function is as intermediary institution channeling the third party fund to the needed. Mean, credit has become a product of bank, so everything related to credit is clearly arranged.
The clarity of law also emerges because of credit agreement between banks with debtor always done notarial.
Of course it is very different from the debit and credit between you with your friend. The agreement that happened very flexible and negotiable, and possibly beneficial for you as an entrepreneur. For example, agreement concerning compensation (interest) or return time.
But on the other side, the agreement tending very limber, create blurry rule. Extreme, the agreement content tends to misinterpreted or even misused to beneficial one of the parties. Finally, not only debit and credit relation which have problem, but friendship is also can become broken.
The problem now is how to get investor from a banking institution smoothly?
To deliver to successfulness of credit application to the bank, following below I will submit some the matters better be done, is not done and avoided by applicant of credit.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 2

Have the new ideas continuing drains is very important. New idea is blood life of our business. Therefore, important to push the creativity and become really innovative. But it is important to know that creativity and innovation is two different matters. Creativity is everything related to peeping out the new ideas, while innovation relate to applying of new ideas in action.
New ideas can very difficult to be found. When you find it and apply it into action, the new ideas can become the marketing appliances very powerful and become the license to produce money for us.

Following below are some ways to help to deliver the new ideas:

1. Ask Opinion
You can rent the consultant or by modestly look for the opinion of someone who doesn't know your business. May be we very busy to manage our business, so often cause we cannot see the other way to do something. There is moment when we require going out from our environment because usually the ideas used in a business can be apply for other business.

2. Push Staff Creativity
Push your team member to create the new ideas and ask them to give more intelligent or better procedural suggestion to be innovative. You have to think openly (open-minded) and encourage their input.

3. Changed Mind (Brain Storm)
One of the best ways to get the new ideas is through brainstorming / discussion. This can entangle the family, team member and friend. The purpose of brainstorming activity is to get much idea. Remember, the amount not the quality of it. Refining ideas can be done latter.

4. Re-Educate Our Mind
There is old aphorism which tell, " You don't have desisted learn" and it is correct. If you make personal commitment to continue to learn, You will get the result.

5. Read and Subscribe
There is much useful information in internet and most of the information free of charge. Look for the other business areas information don't only the information related to your business because you possibly can apply the idea really not interconnected.

You often can find the ideas in unordinary places. Newspaper or magazine concerning business or fashion is the example of valuable source. Nowadays, it is easy to subscribe to a domestic or broad newspapers, magazine or newsletters.

6. Do travels will open your eyes
Visiting a different places or even not relate to your business area. You will get much free knowledge from this activity which can apply later in your business.

The main purpose have business is to get the consumer, and in fact there's only two way to do it … that is through Creativities and Innovation.

Tips Safe Investment

Before you start to do investment better require to reading what do better be done and shall not done.

The things better be done:

1. Recognize yourself and your risk profile.
Are you including conservative people, moderate, or aggressive?

2. Determine the investment duration and purpose.
Do protecting properties or add properties? Whether short-range, middle, or long?

3. Knowing and searching information as much as possible.
If you use the investment manager, searching history and track record company.

4. Always take care.
Don't quick and easy to affect by the spectacular bargains.
If have reached the purpose, enjoyed the advantage first. Don't avaricious.

5. Always discipline
Brooding and also patient sees the condition and situation.

The things shall not be done:

1. Don't buy the investment instrument not appropriate with your risk profile.
2. Don’t take a speculation without knowing the risk will be faced. That thing is same with gamble.
3. Don’t emotional, go with the stream or have investment because of impulsive. Motivation
4. Don’t excessively do the transaction ( day trade).
5. Don’t " enter the region you don't know his exit way". Choose the instrument besides easy to bought, salable also.

Then the speaker add his message: " have business by following the character of prophet Muhammad saw., that is sidik ( say the correctness), trust ( believable), tabligh (say the fact) and fathonah ( smart)". This is four obliged character of Rosulullah that obliged to follow by Moslem.

It heard like lesson of Islam. In the fact the substances not only learn tauhid. Because the speaker is a Moslem, so the guidance also follows the prophet of Moslem. But in fact what said by the speaker is the universal behavior of the human. Religion or other conviction in the world (including heresy doctrine), more or less also learn the behavior normative which similar to the characteristic substantially.

Thereby, the suggestion by the speaker is applied for any people.
If it very easy , let us start the business by follow the suggestion from the speaker and we prove that we will not go broke. But if we have intention will action, do it completely. Laied pant midway is the part of study process before chest touch the line finish. That is have been said by the speaker fully confidence to assure.

The speaker with very confident with his business lesson on his name card is written Haji Nuzli Arismal or more knowledgeable with Haji Alay, who also one of the community doyen “entrepreneur" TDA (Tangan Di Atas/ hand above). He is a businessman who has much experience.make or break, lie across, sad happy, is the part of his business journey. Tanah Abang Market is "his homeland", and now he take hold of the Head Leader of Syarikat Masyarakat Industri & Pasar Indonesia/Indonesia market ( SMI&PI). In his dusk age, he keep spirits up to provoked and give inspiration to young businessman.
Hopefully degraded science can be inherited and practiced. to inheriting is easy, because the science is from long ago, but practice it......

From Stone Age is even also like that ..... But how will defray the orphan or pauper or pay for the religious obligatory, when never got enough money. That is the problem, or more precise, the challenge. Mostly people are judged, that give means take out the material or money. Though the speaker means give also can in the form of science, experience, energy, mind, smile, place and time ( like is often given by MC), and also many meaningless not means take out the money. Yaaa..., maybe sometime invite...., stand treat.....

In other hand, translation of message from speaker is, if not yet had the enough money give without take out the money. If his money still a few, give a few from that a few.
If have much money, give more compared with the a few . If the money gone? Refill.... Easy , isn't it?

Hence, the speaker says: " If could and the most important is sincere do it , hence Insya Allah warranty will not lose and don't will go broke".
Because God give the warranty card God never cheated (in other hand God often become the dupe, and never discouraged divide His portion even shuffle through cheated.....).

If in fact start the guaranteed business surely benefited so easy, why not start right now? Start with business “give". Then, after success collected money little by little, then develop and move the business "give" with the next business. For example selling the clothes (new or second), selling the chicken ( death or life), sell the computer ( new or recondition), sell the food ( ripe or raw), and selling many other ( once again) don't forget to continue to keep the “give” quality.

Continue to : Business Anti Bankrupt 3

Many people wish to have business. Many people intend to plunge to business world.
More people who learn the business. When his turn to starts the business, his heart become acrophobia, hesitate and indecisive, not sure, less confident, always imaginable, then finally, not begin to start.
What are the problems? “How if not saleable, failure, loss, then go bankrupt?".
Or words kind usual becomes the bogey within us so not begin to start the business.
So, why have a people with confident asking: " Will nope, I inform the guaranteed business will not lose or go broke?”
Every person who hears that question directly curious....., open mouthed half (because only half, so his ugly face become don't too looked.....). Then instantaneous ear hole even also open widely. Curious to know its continuation. "Wow, it’s important", its conscience at the same time pretend insignificant.
Then the man say : " guaranteed business will not lose and will not cause to go broke is glorifying the orphan, give to eat the pauper, not done greedy of alias obligation of religious obligatory and fulfilled alms, and don't abundant love the world".
Then released the breath easy. If that from formerly have known, conscience people who listened. Useless seriously..., already concentrations, listen breaking news concerning the way have business anti going broke, seemingly merely that..... Yes, in short is give business. So, the business name is "giving". Not business sell pulse, business ritel, business of garment, business IT, car business, but business " give".

Continue to : Business Anti Bankrupt 2

What is enough?

A contemplation:
It was told, a farmer find a magic wellspring. The wellspring can release infinite gold coins.
That wellspring can make the farmer become very rich that he wants, because the pouring of gold money will desist if the farmer say the word “enough".
At once the farmer surprised sees the gold money drop in front of his nose. He took some pails to keep the money. After they full, he brought it to his small hut to kept there.

The money pouring continues to flow whereas the farmer fills his entire shack, all his jar, even fill his house full. Still less! He digs a big hole to pile up his gold. He, have not yet enough let that wellspring continue to emit a stream till the farmer is dyeing buried with his greed because he never can say enough.

The word is most difficult said by human perhaps is “enough". When do we can say enough?
Most all of officers feel their salary not match with their hard work.
The Entrepreneur is almost always feel earnings of his company still under target.
Wives complain their husband is inattentive. Husbands have a notion their wife less understanding. Children assume their parents less magnanimous.

Enough is not a problem how much the quantity.
Enough is problem of complacency. Enough only can be said by the people who can thank goodness. Unnecessary fear to say enough. Say enough not means we desist to effort and have works.

“Enough" don't be interpreted as stagnation condition, stop and satisfied. Say the word enough make we see what have do we accepted, not what do we not yet got. Don't let gluttony of human make us difficult say enough.
Learn to make sufficient ourselves by what is on ourselves today, hence we will become the happy human.
Learn to say “Enough"

Tiger Woods clearly know what do he wish, he have the target and clear goal, make planning to reach it and then realize it. Tiger Woods believe that for himself there no ' difficult' mount that too high to be conquered. How with your? What do become your dream, your ambition and goal? What are your wished in this life? Do you have reached it? Come on learn from Tiger Woods, have the focus and commitment to reach anything in this life. Remember, your strong desire so even can remove your difficulty mount, as high as anything.

I will do it with all my heart
When Tiger Woods do something, he do it with totality and commitment. Do something seriously, that his victory key. For him, even only exercising in field, he done it likes competition. Tiger Woods act them with desire is not becoming the good, not also become better, but with his desire become the best. It is not a surprised when he still 24 years old, in 2000 Tiger Woods have succeeded become the world champion in the most all of prestigious championships golf in the world, such as US OPEN, US Amateur, British Open and also British Amateur. Tiger Woods life give important learning for us, if we will reach remarkable successful, do everything seriously, focus, full of dedication and do it with your heart. This is the lesson that Tiger got from his father, who also become his coach. To train Tiger Woods with full-heart, his father frequently sounded the coins and tried to confuse his concentration. But, practice like this make it progressively steady.

Moreover, when he served a ball and at that moment the sound of walkie talkie that disturb. But, Tiger Woods said he didn't listen anything because his life lesson make he really put with full-heart at ball that will he beat. Significantly, Tiger Woods teach that we have big opportunity to reach anything we wish if was totality full over there.
Thus, come on learn from three inspiration lesson of Tiger Woods : smile at obstacles, my will moves mountains, and also I will do it with all my heart - to make 2009 as the spectacular year, where you reach your envision and reach for remarkable successfulness! Success and also remarkable enthusiasm will always follow you in this year.

Such as often I done in my articles, every problem that we face, all of them have good aim make us become firm and stronger person. I also remember with Adversity Quotient book by Paul G.G. Stoltz. In the book, Paul G.G. Stoltz tell a success person is a people who able to alter the challenge become the opportunity to succeed. There is always has opportunity for us to be successful if we careful see that happened. Like a wise word " You learn something every day if you pay attention." Thus, always wear the positive eyeglasses when see everything.

Same as Tiger Woods, when challenge in winning contest of golf, he always learn from what was he experienced . This philosophy is studied from his mother Kultida Woods since early his career often took Tiger Woods to various tournaments and gave the motivation to him, without complaining. It also his father, a war veteran who always whisper motivates words to proud Tiger Woods before he fall asleep. This is the key that make Tiger Woods become the world champion. Clearly, from his parents Tiger Woods learn and advice us that if we face the live obstacle by smiling, a wonderful thing will happened. We will be able to think more clearly, so more focusing at the solution and way out from the problem possibly will appear.

My will moves mountains
In this case even we can learn much from Tiger Woods. All his desire is instructed to make himself become a golfer in the world. Such as have been Tiger Woods said, “Required remarkable decision to be the best. But I have made the decision!".
Tiger Woods know what do will be reached in his life, so he always tries to reached his dream. Moreover Tiger Woods said “My will moves mountains". In this case, Tiger Woods teach us the importance of focus, dedication, commitment, firmness, and obstinacy in reaching the purpose, including pay for the fare exercise at noon and night before he become so famous.
It also in this life, if we have same quality as Tiger Woods character, successful can we reach while we have strong desire to reach it.

Continue to : Motivation - Inspiration from Tiger Wood 3

“To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you!"
. - Tony Dorsett

One of my favorite athlete in the world namely Eldrick ' Tiger' Wood. Not only skills, he also wonderful in field, but his personality also has principles that make him proper as good example.
Even though, the famous basket player Michael Jordan have said about Tiger Woods, " I really do believe Tiger Woods was put here for a bigger reason than just to play golf. I don't think that he is a god, but I do believe that he was sent by one."

At this opportunity I wish to allot what do I study wonderfully from Tiger Woods personality in his interview. Just for information, Tiger Woods is a legendaries golfer in the world of. At age 11 months, he has learnt to swing the stick golf in his house garage. When he still reach 22 year, Tiger Woods have earning money more than US$2.000.000.
A remarkable matter has been reached by Tiger Woods even since he still young. So, at this opportunity, let us learn three successful key from Tiger Woods that making him as real champion in the world.
I smile at obstacles

First of all, imperative sentence has been said by Tiger Woods is “I smile at obstacles". Exactly this sentence so suited for all of us where in this time the world experience of the global crisis.
I think we can learn much from Tiger Woods which exactly smile when face the problem, challenge and or resistance in life .

Continue to : Motivation - Inspiration from Tiger Wood 2

This question very often I accept since this web release until now.
In simply way I will answer: yes, start now.
Because I sure 90% from the questioners are surely had the plan in their mind concerning with anything will they do. And I am sure most of them not “take action" yet.

Hence, central idea from this blog and TDA community which I created is “take action".
Thus, anything businesses will you do, such as offline or online, although the idea is simple, my suggestion is: Start right now. Take action now!
Sometime we analyze the successful others business, though the idea is very simple. Easy to imitated. But, in my opinion it still have difference. They “take action" to realize their idea.
Idea + take action = miracle happen.

Concerning the financial capital, knowledge, etc, we think them next time. It is true. I have started the business with enough financial, but without idea, finally it was failed. The funny thing, when I start again with idea and a few capitals, in fact it was success.

Concerning the how to knowledge, confidence, resilient, hard work, and a good environment, we need all of them. If you have all of them, mean the success have near on your hand.
Hence, now this blog not only provoke people to “take action". Finally, formed a community called TDA and the member have the same problem and idea. We gather each other supporting, sharing knowledge, sharing experience, sharing opportunity and so on.
In TDA that have member more than 900 now, it has curriculum, that is DSA (Dreams, Strategy, Action). All of TDA activities relate to them.

Usually, not only a beginner businessman but also businessman who has many experience usually face problem relate to DSA. There are businessmen who have strong Dreams but have wrong Strategy and Action, they also failed. There are businessmen who have strong Action, but without Strategy and Dream, they also failed.
In TDA we held activities related to DSA through discussion book, workshop, seminar, mastermind group, and so on. We give the hook. Even, sometime we also give the fish! For example we give loaning of free kiosk and the capitals too.

So, the conclusion is starting right now to have business. I am sure you have all of the idea and the suggestion. Action right now, don’t await the perfect condition, because it never happened. It’s your duty making it become perfect.
The risk, financial loss, etc. accept them. It is more risky if you don't start right now. Its risk is: time. Time is our costliest asset and cannot be replaced. Financial Loss , we can find it again
Greeting FUUUNtastic!