What is enough?

A contemplation:
It was told, a farmer find a magic wellspring. The wellspring can release infinite gold coins.
That wellspring can make the farmer become very rich that he wants, because the pouring of gold money will desist if the farmer say the word “enough".
At once the farmer surprised sees the gold money drop in front of his nose. He took some pails to keep the money. After they full, he brought it to his small hut to kept there.

The money pouring continues to flow whereas the farmer fills his entire shack, all his jar, even fill his house full. Still less! He digs a big hole to pile up his gold. He, have not yet enough let that wellspring continue to emit a stream till the farmer is dyeing buried with his greed because he never can say enough.

The word is most difficult said by human perhaps is “enough". When do we can say enough?
Most all of officers feel their salary not match with their hard work.
The Entrepreneur is almost always feel earnings of his company still under target.
Wives complain their husband is inattentive. Husbands have a notion their wife less understanding. Children assume their parents less magnanimous.

Enough is not a problem how much the quantity.
Enough is problem of complacency. Enough only can be said by the people who can thank goodness. Unnecessary fear to say enough. Say enough not means we desist to effort and have works.

“Enough" don't be interpreted as stagnation condition, stop and satisfied. Say the word enough make we see what have do we accepted, not what do we not yet got. Don't let gluttony of human make us difficult say enough.
Learn to make sufficient ourselves by what is on ourselves today, hence we will become the happy human.
Learn to say “Enough"