10. Comprehending rule of credit and its negotiation
Very suggested, before raising the credit to bank, you have studied and comprehend in depth banking credit. Knowledge about it can you get from various source. Book, media print in around business, description of officer of bank, brochure, information of other entrepreneur which have bank, etcetera.
What is the needed? In order you can do the best negotiation to the bank. For example, rate of interest to be applied. Or even, skim (type) the credit most suited for your need.
Ensured that what did later become the type, structure and condition in credit decision can you fulfill better, not hard against, and suited to condition and also growth of your business.

DON’T: what do have to be avoided and may not be done
1. Illegal business, “red light", or forbidden
Don’t raise the loan for your business, if your business is forbidden business. For example, drugs business, spurious drug, contraband wood, importation illegal, protected animal merchant, channeling illegal TKI and others.
Also, if your business include in “illegal business ", like prostitution, wild discotheque and hotel/ inn identifying as “immoral”. Bank prohibited defray the business like that. Although, the business prospect is good.

2. Lie about the relation with other bank
Usually debtor candidate close over his debt to other party (other bank), on the chance of will get more debt. There is also having intentionally close over the bad achievement of his debt in other bank, in order new bank trust to the ability of credit applicant.
Useless! You exactly will direct get the ugly assessment in around your character, because bank will know your falsehood. Bank have various instrument to know the things you try to close, either through Individual Debtor Information ( Informasi Debitur Individual/ IDI) Indonesia Bank, Blacklist Indonesia Bank, and also various information from related institutions and also entrepreneur of bank partner.

Continue to : 20 precise steps penetrate the debt in bank 6