This question very often I accept since this web release until now.
In simply way I will answer: yes, start now.
Because I sure 90% from the questioners are surely had the plan in their mind concerning with anything will they do. And I am sure most of them not “take action" yet.

Hence, central idea from this blog and TDA community which I created is “take action".
Thus, anything businesses will you do, such as offline or online, although the idea is simple, my suggestion is: Start right now. Take action now!
Sometime we analyze the successful others business, though the idea is very simple. Easy to imitated. But, in my opinion it still have difference. They “take action" to realize their idea.
Idea + take action = miracle happen.

Concerning the financial capital, knowledge, etc, we think them next time. It is true. I have started the business with enough financial, but without idea, finally it was failed. The funny thing, when I start again with idea and a few capitals, in fact it was success.

Concerning the how to knowledge, confidence, resilient, hard work, and a good environment, we need all of them. If you have all of them, mean the success have near on your hand.
Hence, now this blog not only provoke people to “take action". Finally, formed a community called TDA and the member have the same problem and idea. We gather each other supporting, sharing knowledge, sharing experience, sharing opportunity and so on.
In TDA that have member more than 900 now, it has curriculum, that is DSA (Dreams, Strategy, Action). All of TDA activities relate to them.

Usually, not only a beginner businessman but also businessman who has many experience usually face problem relate to DSA. There are businessmen who have strong Dreams but have wrong Strategy and Action, they also failed. There are businessmen who have strong Action, but without Strategy and Dream, they also failed.
In TDA we held activities related to DSA through discussion book, workshop, seminar, mastermind group, and so on. We give the hook. Even, sometime we also give the fish! For example we give loaning of free kiosk and the capitals too.

So, the conclusion is starting right now to have business. I am sure you have all of the idea and the suggestion. Action right now, don’t await the perfect condition, because it never happened. It’s your duty making it become perfect.
The risk, financial loss, etc. accept them. It is more risky if you don't start right now. Its risk is: time. Time is our costliest asset and cannot be replaced. Financial Loss , we can find it again
Greeting FUUUNtastic!