Have the new ideas continuing drains is very important. New idea is blood life of our business. Therefore, important to push the creativity and become really innovative. But it is important to know that creativity and innovation is two different matters. Creativity is everything related to peeping out the new ideas, while innovation relate to applying of new ideas in action.
New ideas can very difficult to be found. When you find it and apply it into action, the new ideas can become the marketing appliances very powerful and become the license to produce money for us.

Following below are some ways to help to deliver the new ideas:

1. Ask Opinion
You can rent the consultant or by modestly look for the opinion of someone who doesn't know your business. May be we very busy to manage our business, so often cause we cannot see the other way to do something. There is moment when we require going out from our environment because usually the ideas used in a business can be apply for other business.

2. Push Staff Creativity
Push your team member to create the new ideas and ask them to give more intelligent or better procedural suggestion to be innovative. You have to think openly (open-minded) and encourage their input.

3. Changed Mind (Brain Storm)
One of the best ways to get the new ideas is through brainstorming / discussion. This can entangle the family, team member and friend. The purpose of brainstorming activity is to get much idea. Remember, the amount not the quality of it. Refining ideas can be done latter.

4. Re-Educate Our Mind
There is old aphorism which tell, " You don't have desisted learn" and it is correct. If you make personal commitment to continue to learn, You will get the result.

5. Read and Subscribe
There is much useful information in internet and most of the information free of charge. Look for the other business areas information don't only the information related to your business because you possibly can apply the idea really not interconnected.

You often can find the ideas in unordinary places. Newspaper or magazine concerning business or fashion is the example of valuable source. Nowadays, it is easy to subscribe to a domestic or broad newspapers, magazine or newsletters.

6. Do travels will open your eyes
Visiting a different places or even not relate to your business area. You will get much free knowledge from this activity which can apply later in your business.

The main purpose have business is to get the consumer, and in fact there's only two way to do it … that is through Creativities and Innovation.